the class of a long, long time ago...

If it is summer, it is the start of high school reunion time. Dh got his invite last week to his 45th reunion of the Class of 1966, The school is less than 2 miles from our house. He didn't go to his 10, 20, 30 or 40th reunions, not sure why they might expect he would now. But, at his age, it is no longer about what do you do? but that you are still around. His sister on the other hand, has been planning for 3 years, is coming from Canada for her 40th in August.

I am with DH. Even if my high school experience had been a positive one, I would be seeing the people I wanted to see. We would have kept in touch, maybe it has more about being an introvert but IMHO, reunions are about not moving on in life. Whether trying to relive the days of being young, or trying to hook up with an old flame, the whole experience seems like a less than desirable one to me.

Do those four years really define us for the rest of our lives? Are you always the cheerleader, the geek, the jock, the brain? It is a natural part of life, why the lifelong commitment to return again and again? I notice this trend in the 2 used cars we have bought in the last 4 years. We are continually invited to get togethers at the dealers. BBQ's, Q&A - an endless barrage and that is just for a 1/2 Buy and Go.

I am sure I am in the minority but the class of a long, long time ago is an experience in my life, one of many. It shaped who I am today in a good way, I learned that it is just four years, either way you slice it. Real Life is out there waiting, go grab it...