Driving around the lake today, doesn't take much looking to see the water is high. Places that I have never seen water, are covered. Looks like no photos for a while without outfitting everyone with boots.
A dear friend had a scare last week when her husband's boat capsized and he was thrown out. When he didn't return home, she called for help. Thankfully, they found him many hours later and he was alive. Sounds like his life jacket saved his life. In the local news, there was a Story of a father and little girl in a boat with a tragic ending, no life jackets were used.
There is a reason people wear life jackets on boats, helmets when riding a bike or motorcycle - why should Real Life be any different? Perhaps not a physical protection but just an awareness of our surroundings. I know many times I am in my own little world and oblivious to anything not involved in my current task. Those are the times I need to take a step back, a time to be aware of what is going on. Not a fear but just to see the high water all around me. In people, places and our journey's.
DH and I kept trading his camera to take these shots, he wandered in farther than I would but was still in a safe zone. I come from a long line of those who never play it safe, and while I am cautious, I still have my kind of risky behavior. We all do, it is part of who we are. Just make sure that when going through the high waters of life, you have your life jacket on...