
I have played Yahtzee for years. Since the iPad, I have played it more in the the last year than in all the years before that, put together.

It is a game of strategy. Much like Real Life, the obvious answer is not so obvious. The great thing about the playing Yahtzee on the iPad is that with every roll, it gives you all the options for that particular combination. For instance, you could have 3 of a kind, a full house, Chance and your sixes, all in the same hand. Doesn't that mirror real life?, sometimes we have a lot of different choices. How we think decides which we choose, which in turn will lead to a win or a loss.

1 1 1 6 6....let's say this is your first roll. You could choose 3 ones (3), three of a kind (15), a full house(25) or Chance (15). Right off the bat, which way do you go? Which one grabs you? Full house gives you the most points but is it the right move? If you choose 3 ones, you only lose 2 potential points - knowing it is highly possible you will roll a couple more full houses during the game. Do you go with a low 3 of a kind or Chance?

No doubt there is risk involved and we each have our own particular level of risk, depending on past experiences. What might seem the logic choice, may not be the best choice. Every time I play this game, that thought runs through my mind. It has affected the way I see Real Life, and the way I make choices. I am watching myself and the way I through an issue. Sometimes, I like what I see. Sometimes, I want to slap myself silly, just like Real Life. Thanks Yahtzee, hope we have a long, happy life together...