
Last Sunday before Christmas. Last time to get that Christmas feeling. My OverMy Head class had none of that today, yet I think it was my favorite week yet.

I love Professor Tim. A scientist by trade, with his heart and head fully involved, it is not a walk of straight lines. Today, I didn't understand about 25% of the words he used. Another 25% of his talk, was way over my head but I have come to learn, no matter who the speaker - you don't have to get it all. You may have to go back and look some things up on your own but having to understand every premise or theory, is not part of the Grand Plan.

Yet today, the last Sunday before Christmas with no Silent Night or Come All Ye Faithful being sung in the back ground, he gave me the greatest gift he could and it went like this...

You can't weigh a chicken with a yardstick.

Greater words have never been spoken. He didn't just say it once, he said it several times. On some level, he gets it and gets it big. He will go back to his college professor job and higher thinking tomorrow but for today, he should be so proud of himself. Faith is based on prior accounts, it is built upon the past. Hope is based on the future, on things to come. Together with us in the middle, we stand on truth. The triangle of Love.

But the simple truth of Christmas is you can't weigh a chicken with a yardstick. It doesn't work. It never has. The Story stands alone, take it or leave it. An improbable way to save the world, yet it did. We are living proof. We are not Home yet. It is frightening to live here, Sometimes. Ask Mary and Joseph, imagine they will have quite a Story to tell Someday, I for one - can't hardly wait...