Witness to a Christmas miracle this weekend, besides making me grin from ear to ear, just affirmed what this year has taught me. For Miss The Glass Is Half Empty, this mind set of utterly knowing that anything can change, in a heartbeat.
Not based on any particular miracle which would explain this, it seemed to come out of nowhere. I remember thinking, Where is this coming from? The year has not diluted my new found belief in any way. While I know in my heart and head, that trials will come - the miracles I speak of of those who seem to come out of nowhere. There are not life-changing, death defying miracles but the little ones. The one you never saw coming.
To see one at Christmas time may be a bit more magical because we are all feeling like a woman who is 38 weeks pregnant, full and anxious. Adreniline is pumping and with every time, Oh Come Let Us Adore Him, crosses our path, we are almost in tears.
You never know where or from what direction, oen is headed your way. Our only job is to catch them, and love them. And, thank the One who sent it...