It's mine, back off...

We all know the feeling. Not our best feature. Emotion is part of this built in protection.It has such a caveman quality to it. Whether things, people, ideas, property, it all feels the same. The panic, the sorrow the mere idea of loss - is seen as unfathomable.

Some times we are able to think through and come up with a compromise or an all out, give away. We push past through the primitive need to hold on, and see the bigger need to share as valid and doable. There are times when we decide to pull up our Big Girl Panties and do the right thing... and then, change our mind. WE WANT IT BACK! And, we want it now.

Being mine will always be a journey, never a destination. It will always be a struggle, it will always feel wrong and we will always fall back into our human ways. When we get journey and destination mixed up, we do ourselves a disservice. Do yourself a favor and learn to tell the difference and plan accordingly...