rolling in the deep...

This is Pastor Doug. Don't be fooled by his nice, old man looks - he is a firecracker. I am glad my kids go to a church where the pastor has a firm grip and a loose tongue. Over the years, we have heard many, many PD Stories. On Palm Sunday, he told about being arrested and serving time for selling drugs to Filipino drug lords. One of the regular worship leaders is Doug's friend, played with the Steve Miller band. He knows people that he looks like, he wouldn't know.

After many sermons, you get a feel for people. He has a wicked sense of humor. He is honest, maybe too much so. I can see where you might take him wrong. He is upfront about what he will eat if you have him over for dinner. The suit and tie thing isn't really him but it was Easter and he is from that generation were when Easter is on the calendar, you take it up a notch.

In my short Jesus career, I have heard my share of preachers. I also, have favorites. Like music, some were one-hit wonders and others like PD, has earn my over and over again, interest. Not one to sugar-coat what it is, the Jesus he shares is the one, I know and love. Next time I see PD, he will be back in his jeans, and we will both be a whole more comfortable, the way it should be...