the good and the bad...
How do we think?
How do we learn?
Where is our focus?
Take the elements of good and bad. How do we learn to tell one from the other? It has been my experience that someone, somewhere decided that the way to teach good, was to focus on the bad. Bad, Bad - what does it look like? We study the bad to death, and focus very little on the good. The idea is most certainly, that if we know the bad, inside and out, we will have no problem identifing it when it comes our way but does it work that way?
I understand the the way people are trained to spot counterfeit money is by studying real money so that when the counterfeit is presented, it is so obvious and the detection is made instantly. The focus is on the good, making the bad, stand out like a sore thumb. If you focus on the bad, you never have a real sence of the good and that, it seems to me, would be the real tragedy...