family feud...
I am not much of a game show watcher except for my strange attraction to Deal Or No Deal. I just never cared for them except for The Dating Game when I was a teenage. Now I need Family Feud to eat my lunch by. Remember that game show from way back when? Richard Dawson was the host forever then Rickard "Al" Karn and now Elaine's old boss from Seinfeld, John O'Hurley. Its on at 1130 - so if I am home, lunch and the Feud go together just fine.
I am not proud of this - first of all, it is where families go and clap for each other every other second. Secondly, if any five people in one family could make a trip to the studio without killing each other, that in itself should be cause to win some sort of prize. The thing is the top prize after a half hour of non-stop clapping for your family is only $20, 000. The Banker on DOND will give you that in the first few minutes just to go home. These people go ballastic when they win $750 !
My biggest problem with the game are the contestants' trying to pick the right answers versus remembering it is about what 100 assorted people think. This is not about right or wrong, this is about perpective. You have to listen to what the announcer is saying about the group that is being asked the questions and - think like they do.
100 women surveyed - What is a man's favorite way to spend an afternoon?
Even the males contestants' have to put themselves in those 100 womens' shoes. After being asked the question and before their time runs out, sometimes you can see them racking their brains for an answer. Sometimes, the answers are horrible, terrible and stupid but they still get that cheerleader family clap - bet that changes out in the car.
My point and I promise I am getting to it, is we run on perspective, Every action we take everyday is based on our perception. It doesn't and most often, isn't right but that doesn't change how we do business. What 100 people think isn't important if we aren't playing Family Feud. What is important to understand where you are coming from and why or better yet, why someone else thinks the way they do. As we walk through this holiday season, our world may not look like everyone elses. The Christmas season may bring different responses depending on what someone's year has been like.
I have been blessed this year. We are all well, have plenty of food to eat and look forward to opening presents in a few weeks. I can think of a few families that will not fare as well. If I am able to be of service to them, I would gladly help. I 'm not talking about taking a tag off a tree and making their Christmas look like mine so I can feel good about what I am doing. I am talking about meeting them where they are... right where they are... and just being and listening with them. For just a moment, making my perception, their perception. Now that, would be quite quite a thing...