twas the week before Christmas...

and my list is growing long...

Saturday night, our annual Christmas Tree Lights tour was on. We found the house that plays music and the lights follow suit. With the Trans Siberian Orchestra playing thru the radio, we all felt like little kids - we oowed and awed. The boys and I sat in the back and played the Movie Game. The idea is to give hints about a movie while everyone guess. When it came my turn, I picked Happy Feet. I told them it was a Story about a mom and a dad who had a baby boy that was different that everybody else - Gage screams out, BABY JESUS!. Not what I had in mind but he was oh, so right.

This may be the Week that feels the most overwhelming of all. The presents have been wrapped for the most part. There is no more time to order off the internet to ensure a delivery before Christmas and the hard part of coordinating, begins and is usually left to the woman.

For all our many faults, women are good at detail. It is left to us to make sure we are where we need to be, when we need to be with what - we are suppose to have. We call the shots - from how long we are staying to visit with Aunt Mary to what he is bring to his work Christmas party. I personally can vouch for this one - I got an email Friday from him explaining what was need in the way of food and he left it up to me. Said I could make what I wanted to. He did decide on his own that he didn't want to particpate in the $10 gift exchange. Still not clear if that was to help me out or because he just wasn't interested. Either way, I am good with it.

We have 2 nights this week that the boys test for their next karate belts - what is the karate teacher thinking? I know he has a wife, several kids and a new baby but I can't help but thinking that she ok'd it and whatever she was doing those nights, she didn't need him for. There are 2 Christmas parties this week and the kids are staying with nana on Thursday while mommy and daddy finish shopping. That will be my fun day - I want to make cookies and play music and keep Morgan out of the tree. All the while I have to balance this with hubby crazy schedule. While we like him to attend our events, the bigger deal is letting him sleep, day or night, when he needs to. This week, his schedule is double wacky.

I will pray for each of you this week as you go thru your own particular brand of overwhelmingness. I will carry the pastor's words about the angel talking about the peace that will come when the baby Jesus comes. Look around, are you feeling overwhelmed with peace right about now. Peace is not about our circumstances, it is about our relationship with God and if I have to remind myself about that every minute of these days, I will. His peace, the world can not offer, it can not emulate and it can not sustain it - His Peace, He gives to you, this very day...