7 days to a better me...

Princess duty is over but the lessons continue. Our week was FABulous. I gave up everything I thought I knew about life and decided to let Miss M show me the Way. So much of what a 2 year old thinks is important, we all have forgotten long ago. To get back to that place takes effort and patience.

Her words for the week, were many - her themes, few.

Show nana, show (sure nana, sure) in her best Southern accent would be used with much gusto when she wanted to do whatever it was and she wanted to do it REALLY BAD. Wanting it to seems like my idea and that she was just going along to make me happy, seemed the best option to her. She did want to do most everything by herself or at least try, then she would reluctantly let me help her. All week long, I couldn't help but see our relationship much the same as I see my relationship with God.

Because of DH's job schedule, it was basically the two of us for most of the week. It was my face she stroked as we sang Jesus Loves Me when she went to bed and my face that helped her greet the new day. We shared all our meals and had many, many talks throughout the day. The thing about 2 year olds is they know what is important in the moment. Everything else isn't even on the radar. Even reading, Dora and the Pig Pirates 20 times in a row had meaning although other than character building, I am not sure what. I have very few heroes but the mommy who can read a Story over and over and make it sound just as exciting as the first time is at the top of my list. Jobs, degrees and other accomplishments pale in comparsion. Anybody can do that but the art of being a parent - now that takes a real hero.

After 7 days of apprenticeship, I am back to everyday life. I take with me, lessons learned. I hope to be a better person. I think I understand my relationship with Christ a little better. I now know that when you sing Jesus Loves Me, when you get to the He is strong part, you sing it just a little louder...and you sing it over and over until you fall asleep. Not bad theology if you ask me...