I read on someone's blog about the photographer high. I have experienced it several times. The thing about digital is that you don't know until you get home and download your pictures, what you really have. You go thru 80 or so pictures and then you see it. It isn't the one you thought it would be. The one you thought would be a keeper was blurry but this one, this was worth it all. It will be the one you obsess over for the new few days, until the next one comes along. You will re-color it, crop it and throw everything you have at it...then you will pick one and it will be the one that will represent the entire body of work that you put into it.
Photography is not much different than spirituality to me. I want prayer to be second nature. I want to hide His words in my heart so they are ever present. A Jesus high is a beautiful thing and just like other highs, was never meant to be a constant. Allowing Him to take me places with no guarantees and every once in a while, getting to be privy to who He is. Whether by a person, or a view... the lyrics of a song or an unexpected encounter.
So today I learned the f/11 is the best setting for a portrait , that a white shower curtain makes a great backdrop when you are shooting a short depth of field and that to sharpen a people photo in Photoshop, using the Unsharp Mask setting- Amount 150%, Radiant 1 and Threshold 10. What I learned about God today is that He is always there, that love is more than a feeling and (thanks Ms. D) it may be Friday but Sunday is coming...