
It is a quote from Ansel Adams...sometimes I get places just when God is ready to have someone click the shutter. These days, that really speaks to me. In the Bigger Picture, I am aware that it goes well beyond the click of a shutter.
A week doesn't go by that I don't wonder why I wasn't born 50 years earlier or later. I wonder why I wasn't born in Russia or France or China. A peasant woman of little means in a country I can't even pronounce or worker in fields surrounded by goats, pigs and sheep. Why for this time, am I here? Why me?
Whatever my lot in life has been and will continue to be, I would like to think that if the situation arises, I would always be available to trigger that shutter button. I can tell you from experience that has not always been the case. Sometimes deliberate, sometimes unintentional but there have been times that I just walked away. The thought is unconscious but it goes something like this - let someone do it.
I don't think God lets an opportunity go - He just lets the next person go for it. I need to be willing to set aside my own agenda so I can click that shutter and if I get to do that, the photo that I will walk away with, could change my life. I can shoot 50 pictures and walk away with only one or two but those are as gold. I am here and it is now and I don't want to miss a thing...