Spent some time with DD and her friends last week at Miss M's birthday party. We are obviously not in the same season of life but it was fun to remember being where they are. I remember thinking the things that they are going thru and while they share with each other, I love playing with all their kids. I even have a new BFF. Miss S wanted her mommy to invite her friend to the zoo outing on Friday.
Girlfriends are necessary no matter what season of life you are in. All of my friends are younger - none yet know the nana syndrome but share my journey but we share enough other things that is is a very satisfying give and take. Sometimes you are the mentor and sometimes you are the mentoree. There is no rhyme or reason, it just happens.
Girlfriends...You don't need a bunch, depending on your personality - a few will do nicely. I am so lucky to have the women in my life that I do. They are a diverse lot, cover a wide range of ages and are so precious to me. They are honest, truthful, willing to share themselves and most importantly, I believe, will get in my face if they think I need it. I would have it no other way. Being a friend is not a mambie-pambie, makeyoufeelgood person. Those are a dime a dozen. A real friend will share the good and bad of her life and take on yours as her own. It is about quality not quantity. Not a job for the meek, don't participate if you are not willing to go the mile. Anything less is not fair to them and a bigger loss to yourself.
My new BFF just turned three. Not sure we will be going out for coffee or sharing current events of the day although she did follow me out to the car last week. Good thing her mommy saw her streak out the door behind me and caught her before she went into the street. I will be at the zoo Friday and she may not be very happy. Gage and I are going to do our own thing so the playgroup and their mommies can bond and make their own magic but I imagine that Miss S and I are now girlfriends and how great is that!!!