You're Special ...
Not my words but my eye doctor. He looked at the results of the pre-tests I had taken with his assistant and uttered these shocking words. He said that apparently, according to my test results, I did not have an optic nerve. I volunteered to retrace my steps and check the lost and found at Walmart but other than that, I pretty much would be of no use to him. We talked of going on and having Brian Williams come to interview us and my being special and all. Dr D thought maybe Oprah to tell this extraordinary Story. We had a good laugh, redid the test only to find out that I did indeed, have my optic nerve. No Dateline, Brian Williams or Oprah for us. We would not be hitting the road and worse yet, I was no longer special.
I think little moments of special are great times for each of us. Nothing wrong with it. Problems arise when we need to be special or decide that we can never be special. We all know people in both camps and when taking to the extreme - can make us crazy. If someone perceives that they are always the victim, life is a drag for them and everyone around them. If one thinks they are perpetually special, the princess syndrome is equally difficult for all involved.
We need both and need to make sure we are always moving to the center. It is a healthy thing for our own mindset. It gives us perspective and a point of reference that will help us lead our lives by making good choices.
I must admit, however, that I was so looking forward to talking with Brian Williams - want to talk about his Saturday Night Live experience and let him know, I for one, think he is a funny guy. My 5 minutes of being special is gone but gave us all a good laugh. That is special enough for me...