an ordinary, extraordinary day...

DD and I pretended to be preschool teachers for the day. Gage and 11 of his friends along with Miss M spent 3 hours together discussing the snow we all woke up to this morning and many, many, many other things. They are a delightful group of kids and we really did enjoy being with them.

It is hard when your mom and nana are your teachers for the day. Gage thought I was there to be his personal play pal but I had to encourage him to play with the kids - he could play with me any old time but he really wanted it to be me and him. I finally got him to play with one of the little girls' and as I watched him, I heard him telling her about, Jesus - dying on the cross. No idea in the world where that came from. His account was short but accurate. It was going thru his head so it was coming out his mouth.

Later he joined Morgan and me at the coloring table and decided he wanted to make something. There was masking tape and he was very deliberate about his project. I had to get a piece of paper and put 2 strips of masking tape in the shape of a cross, then he finish the picture with his drawing. I got distracted with some other kids but when he was done, he brought it to me. This is for you, he says.I couldn't have been happier if he had given me a million dollars.

I immediately saw the crown on His head and Jesus' hands and feet were perfectly still and dead on, the masking tape. Profound yet so simple. Children have lots and lots of free space on their little people hard drives and it open up countless possibilities to them because of it. When we grow, some of the hardest work we ever do is learning to be childlike again.

Today was a good day. I colored a picture for Miss Brandi, our teacher and the one I gave birth too. She was very happy with my picture and seemed to appreciate my hard work. It doesn't take much to have an extraordinary day - sometimes it comes wrapped as ordinary and if you aren't paying attention, you will miss it...