Dear Abby...
or Annie's Mailbox as it is here. For just one day, I would love to be the editor of this desk.
In Abby's day, you had to send in your questions by snail mail. I don't know about you but if I am looking for a answer to one of life's big questions, I can't afford to wait a month or two or forever, for an answer. Even in these high tech days, I can't imagine getting an answer back in a timely, useful fashion. By the looks of the content of the questions being answered in print, I can only imagine the ones that didn't make the cut. Those would be the ones I would be holed up in a corner with.
So, because I am pretty sure no one is going to knock on my door and ask me to be a columnist for those in need, I am on my own. For today, I am Annie and here is what's in the mail...
Dear Annie,
I am 23 years old and a virgin. I have never seen a naked man in my life because I believe virginity should be kept until marriage. The other day I went with my sister to watch my nephew's baseball game He plays on a field that is uphill so you can see the backyards of some of the houses across the street. My nephew has heard from one of his friends that one of the men in those yards sits naked in his hot tub. I always assumed this wasn't true.
When I got to the game, I instantly remembered those rumors. I didn't intend to be a Peeping Tom but I looked around and saw a man in a hot tub. I assumed this was the buy so I kept watching. Five minutes later, he got out of the hot tub and really was naked. I instantly got a headache and my eyes burned. I want to do something to prevent children from seeing him, I know he was in his own backyard but you could see him clearly from the field. Would you count that as public nudity? Do you think I should report him? Scarred for Life.
SFL or Aunt Jackie, is that you? You heard I got a new gig and you are messing with me, right? If by any stretch of the imagination, you are not related to me - ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I instantly got a headache reading this. You are nuts and I am more worried about keeping the kids away from you. I hope your sister and nephew have moved and changed their names. You must run to the nearest therapist - this is no time to be picky, anyone will do. Got to get out of here, my eyes are burning.
Can I just say that what she is living really isn't that far from where we are. Really. Insert different situations, beliefs and assorted Superman complexes and you have me...and you. Each of us is a walking example of contradictions. That what it means to be human. It is the part of us that bothers us the most. We all see off and away so much better than in our own backyards. Maybe this isn't my line of work - probably don't have enough empathy but I can see the Big Picture and it isn't pretty...