defense or offensive...

As I watched the boys play soccer, a few things starting running thru my mind. I noticed that Gage, prefers to guard the goal versus going after the ball. Instead of trying to diffuse the need to protect the goal, trying to kick the ball away and take it down the field and make a goal - he would rather stand by the net, waiting for what he sees is enviable, to happen. I know very little about soccer but a bit more about life and it seems we have a lot in common.

We each have a preference and in life, I think we do choose to live defensively or inoffensively. I would even go further and say the decisions we make about life are determined by which camp we live in. Never thought about it this way before but a couple of hours of soccer every Saturday will do that to you.

Apparently there is a right or wrong in sports - aggressiveness seems to prevail. Again, I see that sports equals serious business and I will never be able to ride that train. In Real Life, there needs to be balance of both. Passion and kindness have to balance each other out or you are going to have problems. Personally, I would rather be drawn in than tackled to the ground.

This morning, I realized that I take turns in my life, sometimes playing defense especially if I get my feeling hurt and other times, I am all over it. Charging aggressively down the field - you almost wouldn't recognize me. Doing either most of the time just doesn't sound like a good way to go. Better pick up some shin guards and cleats - having the right armor is the only way to go...