us girls...

For the last 49 hours, it has been about us girls. Morgan and me. Poppa popped in occasionally but for the most part - it was an Estrogen Weekend. Mommy was on a girls weekend and the boys and their dad were doing their own thing.

The beautiful thing about a us girls weekend is that we agree on most everything. When to eat, take pictures, what movies to watch. The boys were thrilled that she was going to nana's so they didn't have to do girl things, I think we girls had an equal mind set. The time just flew by and we had a great time.

The thing I am most proud of is when it was time to her to go back home. History tells us that the physical parting is usually a nightmare. There is a bunch of crying and sobbing and finally, someone has to be ripped out of someone's arms and lead away. I was much better this time - really, my little girl is growing up. We started talking about going home this morning and she was totally against it but when the time came, she was perfect. What a difference a little growing up can do.

Wouldn't have missed this weekend for anything. Sounds like the boys had a great time and betting that the 4 mommies had a great time up at the cabin. The rain has been coming down all weekend but spirits are all sunny and bright, just as it should be...