Every time I hear someone say those words to someone, I want to slap them. I am not kidding. There may be no more shameful thing you could say to anyone. You can just imagine how I felt when someone related said that to my grandson.
SHAME ON YOU for not choosing your words.
SHAME ON YOU for needing to build yourself up by tearing someone apart.
SHAME ON YOU for taking it upon yourself to be God.
From Anne Jackson's blog:
Shame is a sickness…
A disease…
That keeps us hidden.
The remedy for shame is grace.
Grace that requires you to step aside when you know you’re right.
Grace that requires you to consider others better than yourself.
Grace that hurts and is dangerous.
Someone around you needs that grace right now.
Go give it.
And give it freely.
Don't shame on anyone. It's not your job and it's not your place. It is your place to show grace, to be grace, to point the way to grace. That is what your job is. Drop the shame, embrace the grace. We all carry around enough shame, time to let it go and fill the empty space with grace. Imagine how our lives would change and what that would look. I need to go in that direction. heading out now...