
We make these movies to entertain ourselves and we hope that the rest of the world connects with them as much as we do. Pixar via Twitter.

I would really like to believe this to be true. Would love nothing more than to think that fame and fortune was second to creativity and art. To making others laugh, cry, or to inspire them. Have had multiple conversations about motivations this week, like parts of a puzzle - and it keeps coming back to a few basics.

For me, I am better when my motivations have no end value. Not because of money, or being hailed a hero. When it is about the art, the gesture, being kind for kind's sake. When there is no value except for just being, motivation is at its best. I would make a lousy salesman, no matter what the product. If you seeing me use said product, because there has been a relationship and there is value, that is one thing. When I am just hocking Something because I am trying to run up the assets of said product, the motivation has changed and so have I.

Doing a little rethinking which will hopefully led, to a change in the way I do life's business. Motivation is too strong an emotion to run around, unchecked. I think I have a pretty good handle of it, but need to make sure that in all areas of my life, no matter what the outcome - I can put my head on the pillow at night and know I did the right thing for the right reasons. If the motivations of our lives are running the show, we are living in some bad territory.

When life goes south, and it will...I want to be able to look in the mirror and know, I did the right thing. If I choose not to, well..that is a post for another day. My point is, you always have the choice...