warm and fuzzy...
These days, you can check your social FB account and learn quite a bit about yourself. Of course, there is a tier system. Family, close friends, acquaintances, those suggested that you might like, but they all have one thing in common. They are on your list.
For whatever reason, you have allowed them, in. You allowed they to see every comment, every photo, every political view, every religious view and any other thoughts that have popped in your head while you were close to a keyboard. Sharing likes, peddling wares, being invited to events. We spend little-much time reading, responding, posting and sharing. It is exhausting.
But not everyone is into the whole Like me mode. Must admit, I would have guessed myself to be a non-FB person. It kind of started out on a whim with me threatening to pull my account every day for a long, long time. Then it seemed like a good thing to do. To learn new technology, to keep up with life, I stay, but there are days...
I feel like this guy. In the middle of shops on a very busy street in Oregon, I imagine he has no FB account. Makes you wonder what he is doing that could make his business take a back seat. I wanted to call him and buy Something just because I liked his ethic. Warm and fuzzy in a different way. I like that. I resemble that. Sometimes it is easier dealing with a computer screen that Real People. If I ever go back, I am going to give him a call and see what his deal is. There is a Story there and without making a lifelong commitment, I could find out what it is and that, my friends, make make me more warm and fuzzyer...