ode to being a girl...
It occurred to me that being a girl is Something that has always fascinated and frightened me. Always.
Am in awe of my grandgirl and how she handles her brothers. She can be as girly as they come, with loads of pretty bows in her hair, an outfit that she has put together that is too cha cha and smack a brother like he was shark bait. Nothing they do phases her. She talks about their bathroom habits with much disdain, too much for her delicate self. If all else fails, she can scream like no one's business.
Look at the females in your life. There has to be some strong women that have captured your respect for a variety of reasons. There is Something about a good woman that makes each of us know, it is possible. The kind of woman, we would like to be, Someday. There may also be women in your life that make you want to run in the opposite direction. It's ok, we learn from them too.
When a woman is good, she is the apple of her people's eye. If she can be trusted, she is worth more than gold. A woman is not loved in a vacuum but because her loved has been lived out and felt by others. Covet those in your life who make you feel that way. Love them, adore them and model yourself after them. Be the best woman you can be, a gift to your family that money can't buy...