bucket list...
A friend and I were talking about bucket lists the other day. I don't care for them... I mean, I REALLY don't' care for them. Ok...I think they are stupid. Love Jack Nicholson but in Real Life, they are only a fun to-do/all about me list. I think having a list under minds what you have accomplished. If you want to do something fun, own up to it but a whole list of me-demands - is that really where one wants to go? Even if you do have evangelizing in Ethiopia on your list, it is still about being mostly self serving
If there is any value to any kind of bucket list, it would be a daily one. Did everyone I talk today, have my whole ear? Did those I love, feel it in some way? Was I thankful for what I already have? The preacher talked about wanting a new computer really bad but decided instead of praying for a new one, he ought to pray that the old one lasts longer. I understand. Me too. My real problem with the bucket list is the idea of checking something off - the only things you can check off on a list are tangible. The things that are the most important are intangible. YOu can'at give thanks once, and call it good.
Better yet, how about an unbucket list. If the bucket list idea appeals to you, how about checking off all the things you can do without? Things you no longer need, to get through this life. Letting go of what you have learned, you would never have to possess to live another day. Things you recognize that no longer have value.
My Unbucket List:
arguing to make a point
having to have all the answers
root beer
ever eating out at (insert bad restaurant) again
greatest hits of the Monkees.
The preacher also talked about a friend of his who started his day every morning with 100 thank yous to Jesus. Thank you for my wife, family and kids. Thank you for my TV and chair. If he ran out of things to be thankful for he, just like H, started saying, Thank you Jesus - over and over, all the way to 100. Sounds like my kind of list...