social security...
Most of you are probably not on a regular newsletter basis with the Social Security people. I am. Every quarter, they send me a overview of what I will get in benefits should I live that long and I say live that long because one of their options is to delay taking benefits until age 70. Seems like a long shot to me.
If I jump at the first benefit age, 62 - I will get $800/month. If I wait until full retirement age (which as of this newsletter is 66), I will get $1060/month. Do I wait four more years for $260 more? I think not.
The final option is at 70 and for waiting until the bitter end, they are going to give me a whopping $1400/month. They are optimistic - I am pragmatic.
The good news is that I have earned enough credits to qualify for Medicare at age 65. Didn't know there were credits involved. What happens if you haven't earned enough credits - what are you eligible for? Anything?
My daughter is trying to talk me into getting a dog. They say that potential burglars will not even try to break in if they hear a dog barking. Doesn't matter how big, the barking is enough to scare them away.
I knew this was coming after a Saturday phone call that started with an excited little boy and the immortal words, You have a granddog! After shopping for dog food and finding out the cost of pet medical insurance, a pet is definitely out for us. Thinking about recording my granddog, Banjo barking and playing that from the CD every night to deter anyone who is even thinking about trying to make their way in. My screaming would also be a great deterrent.
I have five more years before I have to make up my mind about the Social Security benefit but will get to help DH who will be 62 next July make that choice soon. Of course with his motorcycle insurance, he may have to wait a while. In any case, looks like we can afford a dog or a motorcycle, not both...