shelf life...
Most of us by habit now, check the experation dates on our food purchases. I always look for the latest day possible when picking up eggs, or milk. I feel confident that I am making the best choice at the Beat The Clock game and providing my family with the safest food possible. Does it really make a difference? I think so but not for the reasons that are obvious.
Like all that Miracle Maid cookware I bought some 30 years ago. All you had to do was show up, someone cooks you a free dinner and you go home... But somewhere along the line, you lose your mind and buy $800 worth of cookware.
IT WILL LAST FOREVER... and I believed it.
Now I know, cookie sheets have a the shortest life span with cake pans being a nto so close second. Interestingly enough, the electric fry pan will last longer than the 1 1/2 quart pan if you have walk away, forget and burn something nasty in it.
What I never could have imagine was the giant pot would cook artichokes and corn forever. There was a forever but not for everything.
That is life in a nutshell. Then, the way to live a full, happy life is to figure out what goes when and what stays forever. Sometimes we get confused with these things that have a shelf life - we want to keep the cookie sheets of life forever, yet ignore the big old pot, that is always around. Worse than that, Sometimes, we hold on to the burned, never to be used again 1 1/2 sauce pan and give it a prominent place in our lives.
Those things we hold so dear - thoughts, habits, the themes that we live our lives around. The way we make choices, how we choose the essential from the important and at the end of the day, what we can live with. That is the stuff of life, and that, is where everyday takes us...