Hello Ladies How are you? Fantastic...

I have watched this 10 times and it still makes me laugh outloud. He is right about everything on so many levels. Still giggling.

Does your man look like me, no
Can he smell like me, yes

Your man is yours, you picked him, He must have looked good at the time. However many years you have been Down The Road with him by now, not only his smell but a few other things have probably started to change. The truth is we all change over a period of years and, not always for the good. I would even venture to say that women change more than men. Women look at the world for a very romantic viewpoint, sometimes thinking they can change a man, the world and more. Quite frankly, we had expectations for our men and possibly, that didn't turn out quite like we imagined.

Wherever you are with your man today, I hope this makes you laugh and see him in a little different light. As for me, I will absolutely know the next right man for me. He will come up to me and say, Hello Lady. How are you? Fantastic...