
Think about Something that you are passionate about... and only those. You will mentally eliminate most options and be left with a scarce few. Now, examine those passions and see how you feel about them. Imagining very strong feelings mixed with a sense that all should see how important your passion is.

My sense is that by the time something becomes a passion, we may very well be on our way to a major unbalance in our lives. We all have them, my perception is that we also, give them permission to go crazy. Can the human mind be passionate and reasonable at the same time? Not sure I can or have or will. By uplifting a cause, idea or most anything to passion-status, we take it to a realm where magic is king.

I am singing to the choir here, people. None of us are immune and we all have the capability and even the responsibility to take our passions and make them work for us not against us. If your passion is all inclusive to everything in your life, time to back up. If all your time, attention and waking Moments are tied in with your passion, time to look at bit closer to why and, how to put out some of the heat. Don't let anything take you away but Calgon...