Everywhere you go for the last month, you have been bombarded by pink, red, and white hearts in everything from cookies to kitchen towels to cars. Kidnapped by Hallmark, Walmart and most everyone else - we are strong-armed into believing that roses, candy or a red deep fat fryer is what the object of our affection, wants.
It is difficult not to buy/feel guilty about VDay. Here's the thing - if you have a certain Someone in your life, great. Do what you have to do...but if you don't, go find some Love. We are each surrounded by it, we just don't recognize it. Love doesn't look any certain way. There are many different ways to love and be loved. Don't get stuck there. Celebrate tomorrow with the love you seek out. Don't wait for it to come to you, go find something to love. Person, place or thing. Your neighbor, a movie or Starbucks - we can all celebrate the love we do have together. Color outside the lines and love crazy good...