
Was day dreaming today. About Down The Road and further. When these days no longer are, and the next phase is here. A thought raced through my mind. Still not sure where it came from - me or God. Has made me a bit uncomfortable all day. It was a thought that left the idea that reconciliation with those I most wish never to reconcile with, might happen. It was just a flash, but I wonder if it was more. I wonder if it it is possible to see beyond what is seen now, to a whole new thing. I whole new thing, that goes against every bone in my body.

See, the thing with God is - He just gives you a small sense of what is possible. We human, if we are inclined to look at heaven, do so with earthly eyes. There is no natural way that we think about Later without Now eyes. I think that is what bothered me the most. I am so aware that my feelings, tribulations and expectations are much like a Power Of Attorney - it ends when a person dies. Then the will kicks in, or your next leg of your journey, kicks in.

If Today was of God, He has given me a heads up. While there is still legitimate fear involved, it is legit only here, only now. If only a small part of what I heard today is right, all bets are off and I am in for some Big Surprises and I am not, alone...