
Watching a political show last week and during a segment on religion, one of the guests while being asked about demonizing unions, cultures and people from the pulpit, replied, If you are demonizing something, it means you are also, idolizing something. That statement has stuck with me all weekend, the concept is starting to stick.

Can you have one without the other? My answer would have been yes before last week but now, I am not so sure. Except for a precious few things, this may very well be true. By the time we get to the point where we are demonizing something, we are upside down and perhaps, idolizing is nearby.

I think we need to be a bit careful about who and what we put in the demon category. When used correctly, I certainly believe in there is a Time and Place for demonization but not sure, we get it right very often. There is a whole lot of idolization that goes on in each of us, you don't have to make a list now...but it gives cause for one to take notice of the things we publicly and privately put in the demon category, along with the the things we put in the idol category.

Sleepover tonight, Gage, Poppa and I have been rocking the Wii and Xbox. Right now, I am listen to Gage read, Captain Underpants to poppa. I hear boy laughing and it makes me love the world. I will think about this again tomorrow but for now, there may be Some idolization going on over here but it is all good...