Not sure what happened but now, looking back, I think I went on a Journey. A Journey that involved social media. Facebook and Instagram vs blogging. What are the perks, what are the downfalls? This is what I have come up with.
Blog posts are longer. You can add detail that FB and IG folks don't have the attention span for. There are some perks, don't get me wrong. My attention span is right there with everyone else. You fill the need to tell the next Story in as few words as possible. The photo has to carry more weight, at least 50% more. We now operate in short, bursts of time and there is a lot of area to cover. I save my favorite blogs for late at night when I know what everyone has done, thought, said, eaten and liked, for the day. I take my time and even feel refreshed after my blog reading time. Blogs have always been like short stories to me. On the nights I allow myself to blog hop, I never know where I am going or when I will be back but I do know, I will never be the same. Someone's Story will resonate with me, make me take a second look or think about something in a different way. A blog gives you more than a quick drink, it quenches your thirst. It allows you to go one to the next thing.
All that to say I am happy to be back. A few new things coming up. I have joined with the Mentoring Network and will mentoring a child in a local school next year. Hopefully, I will get to meet Miss N before the end of school so she can put a face to the name and be ready to go in the fall. Winter was rough but spring is here. We have been in full flag football mode with Gage. Keaton is about to turn 15 and is trying to take over The Tonight Show from Jimmy Fallon. Miss M is her precious self and the way she handles those two brothers is Something to behold. I am in awe.
So my unintentional experiment is over and this is what I think.
We move too fast.
We live in a 140 character world
and Sometimes, that is what I need
but I never want to forget to take my time, lounge around and check out my options. I couldn't have planned this better if it had been planned. I learned a lot about life and myself. Time to dip back into the blog pool where the living is easy...