I jumped up and screamed at DH and we hit the ground running. Our hose was leaking so he headed for Walmart to get a new hose, I tried to figure out how much water was where. It took us several hours but it became apparent that everything was ruined and there was no option but a new bed. We have had some kind of waterbed for over 35 years. This last one lasted over 10 years and was the kind where you can put regular sheets on it. We don't know when the leak started but by the time it had reached the dust ruffle, there was water everywhere. wE were lucky that only parts of the carpet were wet, hopefully the fan running on it will take care of it soon.
We had to wait until 10AM for the waterbed store to open but we had already pretty much decided not to take the waterbed route again. We are getting too old for this kind of drama and we have had a lot of it in 35 years. We were scared to try a conventional box spring and mattress so we went for the inbetween. We have a of couple nights on the couch but by Saturday evening, we should be sleeping on our non-waterbedbutfeelslikeone bed. We had a sleep-over planned with the boys and decided to go ahead with it. They said they were fine with no bed so we will all be flooring it tonight.
If you had asked me yesterday if I would ever not have a waterbed, the answer would have been a resounding - NO. Never, ever giving up my waterbed. What a difference a day makes.
Our lives can change on a dime - what we think, value and what we consider unchangeable. Never be afraid to look the unchangeable in the eye and say, I have changed my mind. I am expecting a sharp, relearning curve with the new bed. It won't happen overnight and it will take effort on my part. I imagine in a month of so, I will be use to the new bed and all I will have of the old bed is very fond memories. On the upside, I may be able to do some furniture rearrainging in the bedroom that I have never been able to do before. This is looking better and better. No more hoses, waterbed refill kits or chemicals. It is a new day and I am ready. Hope the couch and I can be friends for a few days. Maybe change isn't so bad after all...