sight unseen...

Spent some time yesterday afternoon on my good friend's patio. It is a wonderful place to go on a warm afternoon. We watched the ducks splash and play and talked of things good and bad. The state of world and if the bad we see now was always there and not talked of or was it new. We agreed it wasn't new but with our instant media these days, maybe we know more than we should.

And if we do know more than we should, how does that change us? For me, I think is heightens my distrust of people. It makes it much tougher to see with my Jesus eyes . It makes it tougher to see what I need to see. One can't be blind to what is going on around us. Sometimes, we don't have that choice. Watched a documentary about 911 last night and one of the Stories was about the 2nd plane that hit the twin towers. A son had called his dad and told him the plane he was on had been highjacked and it didn't look good. HIs wife and baby were also on the plane. When he called back a few minutes later, with the TV on in his parent's living room and as the son was talking to his dad, the plane hit the 2nd tower. His mom was watching the TV and his dad held a dead phone call in his hands. Maybe we know more than we should.

We can't turn back the clock - technology is here to stay. We will each have to come to some kind of understanding how to cope. I was reminded by another friend today that His Ways are not our ways. Seems easy as long as you don't pick up a newspaper or watch the 10PM news.

I need to trust the unseen.

I need to look fully at what is coming at me and not run.

I need to trust in His Ways.

As we sat on the patio a litle longer, my friend taught me the basics of Sudoko. Now I am hooked. Hopefully, in a good way. Maybe I can divert some of this energy into the brain power I will need to play this game. Sometimes light comes from the most unlikely of places and we just need to trust that we have all we need...