
I love to cook, always have. There is Something about working with my hands, smelling the smells and having a finished product that could potentially, make someone's day. DH would rather eat home than out - that is pretty high praise coming from Mr Go With The Flow.

The perfect job would be cooking for a family. Would never want to cook at a restaurant. People go nuts and Someone is always unhappy about something but a family. My family would eat my dinners and say, This is the reason we eat at home.

Food is a big deal whether you are cooking it or trying to keep from eating it. Buying it takes a lot of our time and carrying it from the store to the car, then into the house and into some kind of organization so you can find it later. Jesus talked alot about breaking bread together. I think hospitality should be taught in school. So many of us came from homes where breaking bread was not valued and in turn, didn't practice it when we had homes of our own. We have gone from being fairly social to... not so much. DH job over the years, has made having people in- impossible. My saving grace is Sundays.

Whether Poppa is home or not, I have dinner with my kids after church. They all come running in about 1230 and are starved. Everybody is talking and it is a time I cherish. If somebody has something to do, we are flexible but if there are too many Sundays in a row without our dinners, Keaton starts asking, Am I going to see you on Sunday? On Mondays, his second - grade class have to give an overview of their Saturdays and Sundays and his teacher knows where he spends his Sundays.

How about hospitality being taught in second grade right along with math and spelling? Then years from now when these kids are all grown up, they can talk about economics and literature at their dinner party. Whether over fish tacos or a prime rib dinner, Its about being together. Thank goodness is is almost Sunday...