Never have been much of a wwjd fan. Didn't wear the bracelets or buy the necklace. To me, it smacked of a christian gimmack with a potential license for doing harm. There is absolutely nothing wrong and everything right about getting out of our own heads and into His but not sure that is what wwjd accomplished.
We all have our ideas and opinions and they mainly come from what we think versus what Jesus actually did. When we aren't trying to explain God in easily understandable human terms, we are busy trying to figure out how He would act in our day and age. The bible is pretty clear on how Jesus moved among us when He was here. His priorities are not secrets yet we continue to find ways that make more sense to us. If Jesus sees what I see, this is what He would do.
We all do it. We all have our own ideas of wwjd. I have a whole list of them and I can guarantee you, I don't have a clue. It is not about figuring out how you can imitate Jesus's behavior so you will look like him. It is about letting Him show through you. The wwjd model is backwards from the point of reference we need. I forget that about a million times a day. Today was no exception.
My DH has worked for the same employer for 40 years. I worked for them for 25 - we know them well. There is a small cash award and company wide recognition that comes with it. The bottom line is that they forgot him, completely. When confronted, the HR manager blamed the confusion on the department not being the same since ( nameless ex employee) left, which was over a year ago. Note to plant manager - YOU have some real problems - apparently HR is running wild, sorry I am not available - I could have control of HR in less two weeks. I know the ex employee and it was a shame they let her go but I digress. I wanted to do bad things to the the HR manager. In the scheme of things, this is a little deal but it hurt DH feelings and that got to me. wwjd - He would remind me that life isn't fair, look at the plank in my own eye and its not my battle. I need to let Him shine thru me not shove Him aside while I take care of business. I don't need to think about wwjd, I need to listen to what He said and did. No more, no less...