
Memoir (mem'war) - record of events based on a person's personal observations.So many things in our lives are about them. Stories, books, movies - and we enjoy living vicariously thru someone else's as much as our own. Maybe that is why when we connect with an author, speaker or even a comedian - it feels so familiar.

I found the 6 word memoir blog yesterday and as a scrapbooker, it was intriguing. I thought it would be tough but a few came to mind pretty quickly.

My life makes sense to me.
Age can make you young again.
I practice being a widow, daily.

Each of us is a walking museum. If people could roam our halls, they would see things they never could have imagined existed. I think we might even be a bit surpised by a few of the exhibits.

Thanks to those who share their Stories. It helps us to know that we aren't the only ones. It gives us hope and takes our faith to a whole new level. It truly is a gift of love...