
During part of our time together yesterday, Miss M and I played Hide and Seek. After hiding under the computer desk and in the pantry, she changed her strategy. While I was counting and peeking, she ran into her room. I grabbed my camera expecting to find her in her closet but there she was- hiding in her bed. I must admit, because of the colors she was wearing, she did blend in. She was so proud of herself for hiding from nana.

We all hide from Something and some of the things that we are hiding from, we spend a life time running away from. My perspective tells me that at some unknown moment, we might consider coming to a dead stop and look back. Maybe there is no longer anything to hide from. The running has become suck a habit, we are no doing it for no good reason. We could stop running and nothing would follow or worse yet, catch up to us.

Our hiding methods are also about as sophicated as Miss M, no matter how good of a job we think we are doing. Ask the soon-to-be ex mayor of New York. Martha and the Vandellas got it right many years ago. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. I tmight be good for each of us to remember that, every once in while...