the first 8 days...

Within the first few hours, we knew our new president could get down. Watching him groove with Michelle to Etta James. At Last, warmed the cockles of my heart. At the same time, the First Girl's were running around the White House, getting use to their new digs and behind one door, found the Jonas Brothers waiting for them. That was the Honeymoon night, and then it was down to business.

President Obama has spent the bulk of his first 8 days, charming the GOP about his Stimulus package. MSNBC saying he is proving to not be not like his predecessor - looks like he will be spending alot of time on Capital Hill. The thing is he doesn't need the other party to pass his bill, he already has enough votes, so why all the charm? A new way of doing business? A more touchy-feely world?

However, the biggest change in each of our lives that the new Prez has dabbled in affect each of us and has for the last year. The DTV conversion is being moved from February 17 to June 12. That means, for those of you playing along at home, four more months of those annoying commercials. Our president is worried about those 6 million people who ignored the well advertised threat and that now, the DTV fund is out of money. Not sure what he plans to actively do in the next four months but I feel a giant Yard Sale coming on.

In the meantime, we are living in a world that comes with daily layoffs, heartbreaking Stories and unbelievable events. I am still on track with my Letting Go 101. There was an article in the local paper about things to do in troubled times. One of them was turn on some of your favorite music and just be. Our president has set a pretty high bar for grooving but I think I am up for the challenge...

Update - The vote on DTV was mot passed. Sounds like they haven't given up and depending on PO's response, may try again. Will see February 18!