what a week!

What a week it has been. It the midst of economic chaos and so much uncertainty in every other parts of our lives, if you took the opportunity, there was some good stuff out there. It has been good to see the country rally in spite of vast differences. I was disappointed at the booing as President Bush walked onto the inaugural platform and the chants of, Hey, Hey, Goodbye
. They did put a damper on an otherwise wonderful, community Moment. What exactly was the point of doing that? Sometimes graciousness is in short supply in each of our lives - we should all work on that.

I watch Morning Joe on those days when my mind is up and running at 4AM. They always end the three hour show with their What Did You Learn Today segment. I often end my day with the Zalaine version. Sometimes it is a happy thing, sometimes, ok often - I wish I had of done something better, smarter or not at all. Yesterday was one of those happy days. Three layouts come rolling out in a 1/2 hour and I ended the day creatively exhausted which is a good thing.

This week has been my January Letting go exercise. Four years ago, I would have told you that we as a country would be going straight to hell if George W Bush was not re-elected. This year whoever became President was not uppermost in my mind as was who is really in charge. Neither candidate was my ultimate choice and however it turned out, I still had and do have reservations. The difference between now and then is that I have shifted my focus. I will wholeheartedly support our president by praying for him and his family and continue to be optimistic about what we can do that is right and just. The bottom line is that in the Big Picture, it doesn't matter who is sitting at the desk in the Oval Office. That is not where it's at. A big personal leap for me, and that alone makes this quite a week...