it doesn't matter...
Andy from Pete Wilson on Vimeo.
what job you have
or don't have.
it doesn't matter,
what school you go to
or how many degrees you acquire.
it doesn't matter,
what you drive,
what you own
or how much you give away.
it doesn't matter,
what you know,
read or teach.
it doesn't matter,
what you eat,
wear or what church you go to.
it doesn't matter,
it doesn't matter,
it doesn't matter.
what does matter is that
you believe
in the unbelievable,
If you have ever seen the unbelievable become real, you know what I mean. While I might take the prize as Miss Dubious, I have no doubts about what is possible. Maybe not probable but always, always, always possible. I have to remind myself every day that it doesn't matter and it is worth every bit of effort...