remember who your father is...

Good advice from only those who know. Maybe we should be a little more careful about telling someone, I know what you are going through.. Sometimes we say it because we don't know what to say and we can't stand the silence. While trying to save your credibility, you don't realize you are going down in flames. We should use those 7 words only when they are honest and true. When our experience mirrors theirs. When we truly have walked in their shoes.

Heard a Story today about a breast cancer survivor who saw a scarfed woman with three little kids at the store. She hesitated about saying anything to the woman but eventually went up to her and said, I like your hair. The scarfed woman looked shocked and then the nicely coiffed woman went on to tell her, I was in your shoes a year ago. The meeting had a happy ending.

Remember who your father is and don't be afraid to share, you never know where you next hug may be coming from...