
Doubt can be a bond as powerful as certainty...

The week between Palm Sunday and Easter has a feel all its own for me. That hasn't always been the case. For the first 1/2 of my life, it was all about the Bunny which means chocolate. The perfect Easter icon was the biggest chocolate egg you could imagine with my name written on it. Never got it but that was always, always the dream.

It was really a few years into my God experience before the whole Easter thing made sense. Real sense but these days, it is almost like second nature. I go thru the week with nothing special in mind. No formal services for Maundy Thursday or Good Friday, just taking it day by day, trying to get a sense of what the week might have been like.

I grabbed Doubt from Redbox this morning. Have been waiting for it to come out on video and didn't realize it would be Easter week. While I knew the basic premise of the movie, I had no expectations but from the beginning, maybe because of the Week - it quickly took me to a deeper level where I stayed for a few hours. It had all the good and bad of humankind, wrapped up in the mentality of belief and doubt.

It is intense and unbelievable...but so is the Story of Easter. It shows the best
and worse of humanity...Just like Easter. It helps us to understand that what we feel and see is never finished. That allows me to see the grace in what is less in me and you. It means all we are responsible for is today, tomorrow will take care of itself. The Story and visual about the priest and woman and gossip is worth the time alone. When you see the feathers flying out of the pillow and failing from he roof to the street, you see how gossip spreads and it leaves no doubt, that we have a long way to go...