We live in a all about me world. You can't take too many steps without being made aware of how much more/better/prettier/smarter/everything else, you could be...if you only used this product or bought into that theory. Now matter what you might do, it is never enough. There is always room for improvement.
I don't totally disagree. If you think you have arrived in any area of your life, you start ignoring that area and move on. For me, there has to be a better way to get through this life then waiting for the next best thing and I think it has to do with what we already have.
Look at a child watching themselves in a mirror. What do you think they are thinking? I bet it has nothing to do with weight or wrinkles or the gray in their hair ( ok, a little projecting going on there). They may be thinking nothing. Not a thing. Mostly I would imagine if they think anything, they would be pretty happy with what they see. We learn over time, not to like what we see. Sometime, we take that thought to an extreme and it affects everything we think and do.
Part of my prayer life has to do with loving what I see when I look in the mirror. To see it from God's perspective. Nothing gushy or over the top but a genuine affection for one of His creations. He made me, He made me for a reason and I hope that this day, I didn't screw up too much. See - there is that bad thinking again. There was nothing spectacular about today but I think a kind word or a loving hug is just as important. We need to see ourselves as God does - take that with us and live the lives we have been given. If we get the AAM stuff out of the way, it makes room for more of what we really need. Look in the mirror and try to smile. It's a start...