Let's say the average age one is pottytrained is 4 and let's also say that in any given year, those of us who wear underwear (and there are those who don't - I make no judgement) do so for 300 days of said year. Remove our illnesses and bathing suit days, and 300 should be just about right.
Me - 57 minus 4 = 53
53 X 300 = 15,900
That means I have put on underwear lamost 16,000 times. That is a lot of practice.You would think I could do it in my sleep and for the most part, you would be right but just when I start thinking that is exercise is a no-brainer and that I need not pay attention, it happens. Ever find yourself kissing the carpet because you either missed one of both underwear openings? Or hit the same opening twice and found yourself in a downward spiral? Oh, yes - I mean you. I can't be the only one. WEll, me and DH. That is how our morning started. He caught himself and didn't hit the floor but kicked something, sounded like the chair he keeps his clothes on. We laughed because first, you have too and second, because we are amazed that one could do something 15,900 times or in his case, 16,800 times and potential -kill yourself. I told him that was another of the things on The List that I would outright lie to paramedics about (Oh yes, there is a list). Tripping on a shoe would be spmewhat acceptable although I imagine there would still be paramedic giggling, a much better scenrio is that he lost his balance due to a long-term inner ear affliction that is progressive and nothing can be done. We have been to the best doctors in the country... sorry, too much information.
My point is don't get secure in any area of your life, no matter how long you have done something. Be open and try to learn everyday. I certainly have a comfort zone that I don't like to leave. As the times change, we need to change. The wisdom we have picked up over the years is valueable and useful but we need to learn new wisdom. Pay attention when you put your underwear on tomorrow and if you don't engage in that particular activity, pay attention to that first step out the door - it could be a doosie...