There are three Seasons of summer. Beginning summer, the weather is unstable and we are all just getting our summer bearings out and dusted off. Late summer, back to school is a reality and while it is still hot outside, the new season is all ready here. Middle summer is the best. You know it is doing to be horribly hot for many days in a row and there is nothing you can do about it.
It also brings, by it very nature, the best in us to do nothing. Nothing pressing, nothing that can't wait until...some other day. While we sit under the cool, ceiling fan - there are many thoughts to be thought. Of days to come and days that have been. As I type this, there is a wonderful little seven year old boy sounds asleep - waiting for another one of these days. He has little expectations for the day other than to be the center of my world which can only happen when his little sister is not around. If Miss M is around, no one else is allowed within a five foot radius of me or fists will fly. She has claimed me, just as if I was the state of Louisana and she was the sole owner. So, these Moments with the boy are precious to us both.
We played pilot and co pilot last night and he gave the reins of pilot to me. He liked the way I told everyone to put their trays back in the upright position and to prepare to land. He was good about waving the plane in for a safe landing. These are the things that are filling my head in middlle summer. Not much of anything in particular but a whole bunch of Something to pay attention to...