
If you have never heard of Donald Miller, you are missing out. Grab Blue Like Jazz and hole up until you have read it. Be prepared to throw out a lot of what you believe, mainly the warm, fuzzies of being a follower of Jesus.

They make it look so easy, so desirable - like all the bad stuff goes away. it doesn't. You don;t automatically quit smoking or over eating. In fact, it will probably get worse. I don't remember the part in the bible where we were to go to out and ask everyone, If you were to die tonight, would you go to heaven or hell? or that we have this great, free gift for you = all you have to do is accept it and all will be well. This isn't about getting a free two liter bottle of Coke for nothing - just sit back and enjoy. It is not like that and those who say it is are liars. If you don’t have people around who will tell you, you stink - you are dead in the water, says Jerry Seinfeld. I think this could be true in more areas of our relationships than we think.

DM is right, so a few others like Anne Lamott. If it was simple and easy and fun, you would still only have a small percentage sign up. We are a fickle people and value has layers which all have to be useful for us to even check something out. I take Miller's position, it is going to take a long time and it is going to be rough but will have geniune value. Still interested?.... If there is still one who can say,I want to see what you guys see. I want to know why you are hanging in there. Where's the value for you...We invite you to share the journey. We don't have answers but we will honest and will stand with you whenever you need us. We can't pray the pain away but will help hold you up as you go through it. It is really all we have to offer - anybody offer you more, run away baby, run away...