pie lollipops...
Where have these been all my life? Filled with cherry pie filling or chicken pot pie - I DON'T CARE. While slightly crazy, I am so there.
Until today, could never have imagined the words pie and lollipop in the same sentence - now, I will never imagine them any other way. It is quite a thing to learn something new and be excited about it. It is the only way to live - open and ready. Can't say I practice all what goes through my mind but have high hopes for myself on days like today. When I see the possibilities and feel that excitement - that is hope right there.
On the flip side, I spent most of the day holding a sick boy. Have never seen chills head toward semi-convulsions. He scared me a bit but I held his stare and as I told him it would be ok, he held my stare with mostly trust. Not the same excitement that comes with the pie lollipops but certainly a new experience all the same. The older I get the more I see the value in being open to new things, be they good or less than.
I hope my boy has a good night - we will be heading to the doc first thing in the morning and when he gets well enough, off to the store to get the ingredients to make the pie lollipops and whatever else we discover by then...