for the land of the free...
...and the home of the brave.
We all wake up every morning, taking for granted, that we are safe and that 911 will never happen again. Before 911, it never occurred to us that we were that vulnerable. Our superpower status fell apart in a instant and we found out how powerless we really are. As we go into the weekend and celebrate the 4th of July in all the ways we do, maybe take a few minutes to think about those who are and have given us a trust that allows us to go through our everyday lives, pretty much with not so much as a bump.
I don't know anyone personally who is protecting me this 4th of July but I do know a little something about trust. I am not good at it and have a very short list of those on it. As I was trying to talk Miss M into jumping into the water, I assured her I would catch her. I trust you nana. she said. I think she meant it. What she didn't trust was all the other things that she imagined that could go wrong.
That is probably how the soldiers feel. Those who are not home this 4th of July with their families. All those things that could go wrong...
We are a free nation, sometimes too free and it gets us in trouble. Sometimes we are not so brave for so many reasons. Take a bit of time to express your gratitude for living in a land where anything is possible, time is short and being brave is for each of us. Our paths are different but we are all traveling the same road. May our paths cross and may we live vicariously through each other in hopes of being better people. Happy 4th of July...