winds of change...

I was sitting in the rocker, running a bunch of God ideas, mine not His, and some of his people when my humble bubble burst and the thoughts took a sharp left. Redirection came in a most unexpected way and came with a few less than positive warm fuzzies. You could almost call it a payattentionGIRL with some guilt of my own thrown in.

There is bad guilt and good guilt. It's fine to start with bad guilt as long as it turns pretty quickly to the good kind. Bad guilt will keep you in your own head and then you will be of little use to anyone, yourself included. Good guilt takes you to a place where the Good Stuff is. The kind that makes you look around, and see the winds of change. The winds I have missed.

The neighbor to the left of us, left her house and it is in foreclosure. The weeds have started into my yard and I am left with little option but Round-Up. She said the house was sold but I think that was her way of saving face. Neighbor, on the other side - is gone. Has been spending time away from home and by the roundabout of cars, there is some bad things going on over there. Not drugs but relationships that are anything but healthy.

The neighbors directly across from us have been neighbors for over 10 years. I haven't since Susie since school ending. Her husband had told my DH that she was sick and I guess I expected she was back on her feet, Obviously not.

Seems like everything is a bit off this year. The hot weather came later than usual and we all know that life is different for many people this year. Last year, it was about taking a staycation instead of a vacation. This year, it is about eating and putting gas in the car. To put it honestly, I have forgotten about my neighbors. I haven't given them much thought. No prayers, no hello, no nothing. There is no excuse and I feel bad. Bad enough to pay attention to the winds of change. Not sure what that will look like but I am open to suggestions. At the very least, they will purposefully be in my prayers and hopefully, there will be Something More. Done right, guilt can be a good thing. Today sealed the deal for me...